Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Where can I get assistance to start a business?

The first step to starting a business is to write a well-considered, comprehensive business plan. Learn more about how to create a business plan on the New Jersey Business Portal.

The State of New Jersey offers services that can help you write a business plan. These services include:

  • New Jersey Small Business Development Centers - NJSBDC has regional offices that cover every county in NJ. They provide free (taxpayer supported) assistance to entrepreneurs and can help you write a business plan.
  • SCORE - Score also offers assistance to NJ entrepreneurs. SCORE is staffed by volunteers, and each chapter has a less formalized process than NJSBDC.
  • Women’s Center for Entrepreneurship (Northern New Jersey) - The WCE services northern New Jersey and can help you write a business plan. The WCE's services are not strictly for women entrepreneurs.
  • Latin American Economic Development Association (Southern New Jersey) - LAEDA services southern New Jersey and can help you write a business plan. LAEDA's services are not strictly for Latin American entrepreneurs.
  • Union County Economic Development Corporation - The UCEDC provides free classes and paid business mentoring services and can help you create a business plan.

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