Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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How do I contract with the State on construction projects?

Before a firm can compete for consulting work on State construction projects, the firm's qualifications must be verified by the Division of Property Management and Construction (DPM&C).

The firm must complete and submit DPM&C's consultant prequalification form (48A), which provides comprehensive information on the management of the firm, its financial history, the type and dollar value of past project work and other related information. This information is used to evaluate firms for future DPM&C projects, and to establish the maximum construction cost dollar level and the professional disciplines for which the firm is qualified. The result of this evaluation is the firm's notice of prequalification.

The New Jersey Administrative Code [N.J.A.C. 17:19-5.4 (f)] stipulates that any firm seeking prequalification must have at least one principal on its staff who has been engaged in active private practice with full financial responsibility for a period of two years immediately preceding its prequalification request.

Firms seeking prequalification are also encouraged to submit brochures, pamphlets, photos and other pertinent documentation for inclusion in their prequalification files.

DPM&C will complete its review of the firm and notify the firm of the results by mail within 30 calendar days of receipt of a fully completed prequalification form.

It should be noted that the prequalification level assigned does not necessarily reflect the level on which a consultant has performed for other clients. DPM&C will assign a level justified by applicable overall experience, length of time in business, prior DPM&C experience, staffing and management depth. Firms may increase their technical qualification for a specific project by entering into a joint venture with other firms. Each individual firm of the joint venture must be separately pre-qualified, and one of the firms shall have been pre-qualified at the level stipulated for the project.

It is incumbent upon each firm pre-qualified by DPM&C to update and keep current all pre-qualification forms, and to bring to DPM&C's attention any major changes in the firm's status.

Obtain pre-qualification application forms online or call 609.984.6979.

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